Should Gaming Laptop be Plugged in All The Time? (11 Questions Answered!)

Long gone are the days when gaming laptops were clunky beasts tethered to the wall. Today’s rigs offer impressive battery life that frees you to game on the go. But to get the most out of your gaming laptop’s battery, while avoiding deteriorated capacity or even potential damage, some care is required.

Through poor charging and usage habits, it’s easy to dramatically shorten your expensive battery’s lifespan without even realizing it. Who wants to have pricy replacement batteries on the mind when immersed in epic adventures? Follow this guide to take charge of charging and extend the life of your gaming laptop’s battery. With some simple precautions and best practices, your battery will stay in top shape for years of peak performance whether plugged in or unplugged. Game on!

Should gaming laptop be plugged in all the time?

When it comes to gaming laptops, it’s generally recommended to keep them plugged in as much as possible for optimal performance.

The main reason is that gaming puts a huge demand on the hardware, so the laptop needs constant access to the full power delivery that comes from being plugged into the wall. This allows the CPU and GPU to run at their highest speeds consistently.

Gaming on battery power often forces the laptop to throttle things back quite a bit in order to conserve energy. You’ll notice slower speeds, lower frame rates, and overall reduced performance. Not ideal for gaming!

The other factor is that the repeated charge cycles from gaming until empty then recharging can wear out the battery faster over time. Keeping it plugged in avoids those extremes. Of course, you’ll want to unplug if needing to take it on the go. But for the most part, I’d recommend keeping a gaming laptop stationary and powered on wall current whenever you’re doing intensive gaming or running demanding applications. The performance requires those unimpeded power resources!

Do gaming laptops run faster when plugged in?

Yes, gaming laptops generally run faster and have better overall performance when plugged into wall power compared to running on battery. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Higher power limits – When plugged in, the CPU and GPU are allowed to draw much more wattage, letting them run at higher sustained clock speeds.
  • No power throttling – On battery power, components will be throttled back to conserve energy, reducing speed. No limits when plugged in.
  • Voltage regulation – Being plugged in provides steady, regulated voltage delivery to components, preventing any dips.
  • Cooling headroom – External power allows the fans and cooling system to operate at max capacity since battery life isn’t a concern.
  • Factory tuning – Gaming laptops are often configured to prioritize performance when plugged in via settings, drivers and BIOS options.

For the absolute best experience, higher frame rates, unrestricted graphical settings and the fastest speeds, plugging that gaming laptop into the wall is the way to go. The performance difference is very noticeable.

Video Credit- Lenovo UK & Ireland

Does charging a gaming laptop use a lot of electricity?

Gaming laptops do tend to use more electricity compared to regular laptops when charging, but how much can vary:

  • Charger Wattage – Gaming laptop chargers are typically 150W-230W. Higher than the 45W-65W chargers of mainstream laptops. This equates to a higher power draw.
  • Battery Size – Gaming laptops have larger capacity batteries (80WHr+) that require more power to charge up than smaller batteries.
  • Hardware – The powerful CPU, GPU and other components consume more electricity overall, increasing charging power needs.
  • Charging Time – Gaming laptops can take 2-3 hours to fully charge. This prolonged charging time leads to increased electricity use.

Under regular use, a gaming laptop may use around 150-300Wh of power per charge. Charging daily could add $5-10 per month to your electricity bill compared to an ultrabook.

However, you can mitigate the higher power demands by avoiding overcharging, unplugging when not gaming, and using battery-saving modes. With reasonable charging habits, a gaming laptop won’t drastically spike your energy costs. The extra power enables an exceptional gaming experience.

Should laptop be plugged in all the time?

Ideally, it’s best not to keep a laptop plugged in continuously for a few reasons:

  • It can degrade battery health. Repeatedly charging to 100% and keeping it there stresses the battery over time.
  • Risk of overheating. Being plugged in generates heat. Over an extended period this heat buildup can affect components.
  • Electricity waste. Drawing continual power 24/7 can lead to higher energy bills that may be unnecessary.
  • Safety concerns. Having the charger plugged in increases tripping hazards and the risk of electric shocks.

That said, it’s fine to plug in a laptop when actively being used or charging. Just be sure to unplug it when fully charged or not in use. Allowing periodic discharges helps maintain battery lifespan.

Aim to keep charge levels between 20%-80% whenever possible. Only recharge once you dip below 20%. With normal use, most laptops only need charged every few days.

It comes down to finding the right balance – plugging in when power is needed, but giving the battery a break and avoiding overheating by periodically unplugging the laptop. Following reasonable charging habits will keep your laptop in optimal shape.

Should I remove my laptop battery while playing games?

There’s no need to remove the battery while playing games on a laptop. The battery doesn’t affect gaming performance when the laptop is plugged into power. Leaving it in place is recommended for a few reasons:

  • Convenience – Removing the battery requires rebooting the laptop each time. Leaving it in avoids this inconvenience.
  • Safety Net – The battery provides backup power in case of a power outage or cord dislodgment. Prevents unexpected shutdowns.
  • Lifespan – Frequent full discharges from removing the battery can shorten its usable life over time. Leaving it in is better for longevity.
  • Heat Dissipation – The battery helps absorb and distribute some of the heat generated during intensive gaming.
  • Recharging – Keeping the battery inserted allows it to maintain a partial charge from trickle power.

The battery is intelligently bypassed when gaming while plugged in so it doesn’t get exercised or depleted. As long as the laptop receives consistent wall power, the battery is just idle backup. No need to go through the hassle of removing it for gaming sessions. Just let it be unless you need to take your laptop on the go.

Can I leave my gaming laptop plugged in 24 7?

It’s generally okay to leave your gaming laptop plugged in 24/7 with some minor caveats:

  • Monitor battery health – Fully charging then continually trickle charging can accelerate battery degradation over time. Check its capacity monthly.
  • Mind the heat – Always-on charging generates heat. Ensure vents aren’t blocked and room temperature is cool.
  • Reboot occasionally – Even while plugged in, a full reboot every few days clears memory and maintains performance.
  • Disconnect when traveling – Don’t leave the charger plugged into the outlet when taking your laptop on the go.
  • Replace battery after ~3 years – Plan on getting a new battery after a few years of 24/7 charging to maintain good capacity.
  • Budget electricity – Being always on uses more electricity. The high-performance components already demand more power.

As long as you monitor for overheating, maintain the battery, and reboot periodically, there should be no major downsides to keeping your gaming laptop plugged in continuously. The always-ready power allows peak gaming capabilities when you want them. Just take slightly more care than a mainstream laptop to ensure stable function.

How long does a gaming laptop last in normal use?

The typical lifespan of a gaming laptop under normal use is generally 3-5 years before needing replacement. Several factors influence longevity:

  • Build Quality – High-end gaming laptops made of metal last longer than budget plastic models in terms of physical wear.
  • Component Quality – Units with higher-binned CPUs/GPUs endure more gaming wear than lower-tier components.
  • Cooling System – Effective cooling prolongs component lifespan by reducing thermal strain during intense gaming.
  • Usage Habits – Heavy use for gaming/video editing shortens lifespan faster than lighter computing tasks.
  • Maintenance – Cleaning fans, replacing thermal paste, upgrading storage/RAM extends usefulness.
  • Battery Health – Degraded batteries with poor capacity after 2-3 years impacts usability.

With proper care like cleaning, battery replacements, upgrading components and well-ventilated use on hard flat surfaces, a gaming laptop can potentially survive 5+ years. But performance will decline as graphics demands increase. Planning a replacement around the 3-4 year mark ensures optimal gaming experiences.

Does gaming laptop battery drain fast?

Yes, gaming laptops tend to drain battery much faster than regular laptops for a few key reasons:

  • Power-hungry components – The high-end CPUs, GPUs, displays require a lot of energy to run, quickly depleting batteries.
  • Insufficient cooling – Gaming produces more heat which forces the laptop to throttle performance on battery to prevent overheating.
  • No power optimization – Gaming laptops are tuned for wall power and their full potential isn’t realized on battery.
  • Large battery capacity – While gaming laptop batteries have higher capacity, this takes longer to drain fully. But the net hourly usage is poor.
  • Bright, colorful screens – The vivid high refresh rate displays common on gaming laptops consume more power than standard screens.
  • Resource demands – Modern games require more battery resources than basic tasks like web browsing and word processing.

For the best gaming experience, keep it plugged in. But even light gaming for just an hour or two can use over 50% of a gaming laptop’s battery. So frequent access to wall power is essential to enjoy its capabilities untethered for any real length of time.

At what percentage should I charge my gaming laptop?

Here are some tips on what battery percentage to charge your gaming laptop to:

  • Charge to 100% if plugged in – When gaming or using intensive apps while plugged in, go ahead and charge to full capacity to ensure optimal performance.
  • 40-80% for day-to-day use – For light tasks or browsing on battery power, charge to 40-80% to prolong battery lifespan rather than constant 100% charging.
  • Never below 20% – Don’t let the battery discharge below 20% before recharging. Deep discharges strain the battery.
  • 30-50% for long-term storage – When storing for weeks or months, maintain a 30-50% charge to prevent deterioration from full depletion.
  • Charge overnight before travel – When preparing for mobile use away from outlets, do a full overnight charge to ensure maximum runtime.
  • Top up during gaming sessions – Plug in and top up the charge whenever conveniently possible during long gaming sessions to be safe.

Get in the habit of monitoring charge levels and charging appropriately for your usage. Balance battery preservation with ensuring ample power for performance. With reasonable charging habits, your gaming laptop battery can last for years.

Can i leave my gaming laptop plugged in overnight?

Yes, it is generally safe to leave your gaming laptop plugged in overnight for charging. Here are a few tips on overnight charging:

  • Use the manufacturer’s charger – Make sure to use the original OEM charger for safe overnight charging. Avoid third-party or underpowered chargers.
  • Don’t cover the vents – If your laptop is placed on a soft surface such as a bed or sofa, airflow from the bottom and back vents may be blocked.
  • Monitor temperature – Periodically check that the laptop is not getting excessively hot overnight. Elevate it if needed.
  • Use a surge protector – Plug the laptop into a surge protector for added electrical safety in case of power fluctuations overnight.
  • Disable sleep mode – Adjust power settings so the laptop doesn’t enter sleep while charging overnight.
  • Charge to 80-90% – No need to charge to 100% overnight. 80-90% is sufficient and places less strain on the battery.

As long as you use an appropriate charger, allow for proper ventilation, and monitor the temperature, it is safe to leave your gaming laptop plugged in overnight. Just be sure to take reasonable precautions for long-term battery health and fire safety.

Does playing games damage laptop battery?

Playing games on a laptop does not directly damage the battery, but heavy gaming can accelerate battery degradation compared to lighter use. Here are some ways gaming affects laptop battery life:

  • Frequent Charging Cycles – Gaming drains batteries faster, requiring more frequent full discharge/recharge cycles that strain batteries over time.
  • Generated Heat – Gaming produces significant heat which can cause faster deterioration of battery chemistry.
  • Peak Power Draws – The sudden power demands from gaming hardware put more stress on batteries than basic computing.
  • Always-Full Charging – Gaming while plugged in maintains a battery at peak charge, also speeding up degradation.
  • Motion/Vibration – The frenzied movement and force feedback from intense gaming may damage batteries physically over time.

To maximize your laptop battery lifespan for gaming:

  • Use gaming mode chargers to avoid overheating batteries.
  • Game plugged in and limit battery charge level to 60-80%.
  • Avoid gaming during battery charging.
  • Replace swollen or damaged batteries immediately.

With proper care and maintenance, moderate gaming won’t severely impact most laptop batteries. But their lifespan may be 1-2 years shorter than under very light use.

Should I replace my gaming laptop’s battery after 2-3 years?

Yes, plan on replacing the battery after 2-3 years of regular use. Gaming strains batteries more than light computing, shortening their lifespan.

What percentage should I charge the battery to for daily use?

For light daily tasks, charge to 60-80% to prolong battery health. 100% charges strain it over time.

Is it safe to game while the battery is charging?

No, heat from charging and gaming can damage the battery. Game on battery or when fully charged.

How can I extend my gaming laptop’s battery lifespan?

Avoid full discharges, don’t overheat it, store around 50% charge, and replace it every few years.

Should I remove the battery when gaming plugged in?

No need, leaving it in avoids hassle and it stays protected from overload thanks to bypass circuitry.

Can I leave my gaming laptop plugged in 24/7?

Yes but be sure to check battery health and restart fully periodically. Continuous high voltage strains components.

Why does my battery drain so fast while gaming?

Gaming demands exponential power and heat compared to basic computing, quickly draining batteries.

Is it safe to charge my gaming laptop overnight?

Yes, just monitor temps, elevate for airflow, and use a surge protector for electrical safety.

How can I tell if my battery needs replaced?

Replacement is needed if battery life drops below 50% of original capacity under normal use.

Is there a setting to prolong battery while gaming?

Yes, enable the battery saver mode in GeForce/Radeon software to reduce FPS and graphics.


While gaming laptops are built for power, their batteries require thoughtful care and maintenance to live up to their full potential. By avoiding common mistakes like frequent full discharges, excessive heat during charging, and storage at peak capacity, you give your battery the long and healthy life it deserves.

Along with periodic replacements of batteries after a few years of service, following these best practices will keep your gaming laptop performing at its best both plugged into wall power and running on battery when untethered.

The small investments of time and care pay off in reliable battery runtime and peace of mind during intense gaming sessions anywhere. So be sure to treat your battery right – keeping your gaming laptop’s heart pumping strong will reward you with years of high-octane portable play.

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